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Tips for Winter Electric Bike Riding and Maintenance

With proper preparation, you can still use an electric bike in the winter. Of course, some friends want to store the electric bike in winter. At this time, it is necessary to consider the electric bikes' storage and maintenance and ensure your bike is still in top condition come spring.

E-bike Riding - A New Healthy Lifestyle

Since the start of COVID-19, people have been more concerned about their health. I know I have! It seems like everyone choosing to spend their time exercising outdoors. I can understand why, it's definitely more fun than being stuck inside! 

The Benefits You Gain from Riding for Half an Hour a Day

Health is a hot topic nowadays, and there are many ways to keep healthy, such as regular exercise and breathing fresh air. Currently, a popular way of exercising is riding an electric bike. There are many benefits to riding for 30 minutes a day.

How to Find the Right Electric Bike for Your Height?
Electric bikes come in different styles and sizes. Buying the right e-bike allows the rider to have a great riding experience. We have prepared some methods for you.
electric bike

Electric bike is a popular commute, travel, and exercise tool. Knowing the components of electric bikes for adults helps you find an electric mountain bike that suits your requirements. 

Tips for Riding an Electric Bike at Night
There are many aspects to be aware of when riding an electric bike, especially at night. Due to disadvantages such as lights can affect the safety of riding, so it is necessary for the rider to know how to stay safe on the road. This blog will give you riding tips to get you ready for night riding.
archon electric bike
People are paying more attention to physical health and environmental protection, and electric bikes can make both happen. Let's take a look at one of the most popular electric bicycles in the market -- all-terrain fat tire electric bike. 
Electric bike riders always wish to ride for a long distance without re-charging the battery.This can be easily achieved with your new electric bike, however, you may feel that the riding range is shortened after several months.
electric bike
Learning how to maintain your electric mountain bike is a key thing in your cycling career. If you know certain methods, you can complete the maintenance of an electric bike at home. This blog will show you how to perform daily maintenance on your electric bikes for adults.